RESET by Monika Dugar
Monika Dugar's RESET Clothing Collection has been designed to help independent living and ease the struggle of dressing for people with Parkinson's.
[R E S E T] aims to serve as an inspiration and generates a new approach to transforming adaptive clothing for ageing and mobility challenge people. It promotes design thinking as fundamental to progressive social change and is a passionate proponent of applying social impact and human-centered design research to international aid and development work.

While explaining the inspiration behind the range, Monika Dugar says "I was at crossroads to explore fashion and adaptive clothing during my course at London College of Fashion, a market that sits at the niche of the transformation of the fashion in an ageing generation and disabled. It is inspired by the concept of Visual Control of Locomotion in Parkinson’s disease, a condition my father has been diagnosed with. The hand tremors, stiffness and slow movement associated with Parkinson’s disease made the dressing routine pesky and difficult for him. This reignited me to design the collection, which not only is influential but features patterns which could aid mobility in people with Parkinson’s. The collection reinvents conservative adaptive clothing by providing a sense of freedom and a new vision."
[R E S E T], the name reflects the brain after looking at the optical illusion pattern, which resets the relationships between gait disorders and visual perception. The name uncovers customer insights and responds to changing attributes as the market grows. The brackets explain the neuropathological changes that keep happening after the dynamic influence of visual cues.

[R E S E T] works on innovation principle of “Working rearwards” where the brand works hand in hand with the people diagnosed. The goal is to improve their lives substantially by creating customized solutions keeping in mind individual’s needs and creating more understanding and empathy.
Parkinson’s disease has been recognized as a motor disorder resulting from neuropathological changes affecting the basal ganglia (Barbeau, 1986). The interest in the visual defect in Parkinsonism is enhanced by the possible relationships between gait disorders and visual perception (Mestre et al.,1992).

According to the Journal of Neurology paper, Stripes on the floor improve gait by drawing attention to the stepping process, each stripe may trigger a step during locomotion. When patients walk, the stripes move downward in the visual field and induce specific dynamic visual stimuli that may improve motor performance.
The concept is about the impairments in functioning that are observed in Parkinson’s disease needed in daily life such as hampered Motor Skills, Sensorial deficits and Visual defects. It is based on the effectiveness of utilizing vision to facilitate loco-motor activity. 3-D Staircase print is visible to the wearer's sight on the garments in order to provide visual cues. Inspired the construction of garment processes as well as shape, colour and texture of the collection, offering multiple pockets, positioned at different angles to enable access for people with varying needs, with the ability to calm, soothe and appease with comfort.

This collection challenges the mainstream by addressing the tipping point for people diagnosed with Parkinson disease from young-onset (29) to late-onset (60+). The paradigm is currently shifting and fashion, which bore a stigma of disfigurement is becoming more inclusive. With the consumption increase and marketing industry focusing on dispelling the stereotype for ageing, the current scenario for adaptive clothing is at the storming and norming stage. Raising awareness of Motor Neurone Disorders and bringing humanness at every level will allow them to be more independent and highly valued. With Fashion focused on ageing, size, disability will bring the disruption in the industry in order to revolutionize and to address the issues faced by disabled consumers.