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A Clever Blend of Subtle White Tones and Wooden Finishes

Niks Organic by V & V Architects

V & V Architects was commissioned to design a workspace for the psyllium industry, a company renowned for its products globally.

The challenge was to strike a chord between two generations working at the same place with different mindsets and requirements. The area program included a reception area, cabins for directors and managers, a working area, a laboratory, a conference room, and guest rooms for visiting delegates. The design evolved in a manner that it segregates the work and leisure environments with the help of a courtyard.

This courtyard houses informal seating which acts as a breakout space for the employees. The workspace, the cabins, and the conference areas have been dealt with soothing minimal interiors involving subtle whites and wood finishes which gives it a corporate yet warm touch. The leisure area however is more of a dwelling-like facility that includes a lounge, kitchen, dining, and two bedrooms.

It is a place where people can socialize, enjoy their lunch or a cup of tea. The lounge space opens out into the courtyard making it relaxing and a favorite spot for everyone in the office.

Project: Niks Organic

Location: Sidhpur

Design House: V & V Architects

Design Team: Vaibhavi Shah, Vandan Shah, Ghanshyam Patel, and Nishi Patwa

Photography: Anmol Photography


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